Milomade - Evie Milo


Over the years, the coast has become a huge inspiration for my work. I am drawn to the tactile qualities of my natural surroundings and daily walks on the beach have had a huge influence on my choice of materials.

Coastal living makes me acutely aware of our impact on the environment and I am now very particular about working with recycled silver. I specialise in repurposing salvaged antique pieces, not wasting anything in my making process. When people purchase my handcrafted jewellery, they acquire something not just unique and beautiful, but something that leaves neither damage nor waste in its wake.

Utilitarian objects are re-imagined and transformed into wearable heirlooms with a new beauty and charm: dusty family treasures from one generation are cleverly reinvented for the next.

Great importance is put on the provenance of my materials. Original hallmarks in silver are often retained. Fully researched and recorded, these historic snippets of the past hark back to the previous life of the object, to tell the story of its origin. My most recent work has focused on the rarity of historic designs within existing silver and each piece in my latest collection is a limited edition of one.